Two Weeks Down!!

That’s right folks!  I’ve completed my second week at my new job!  That’s pretty dang exciting if you ask me. 

So far I really enjoy the job.  The people I work with are pretty chill AND they aren’t senior citizens; which is a plus. 

I’m not really that busy at work as the program I’m in is pretty new, but I’m learning and meeting new people everyday. 

I apologize for the sucky posts lately.  I’m busy as hell and have no time or ambition to write anything with meaning. 

Hate me if you want to…  🙂

Later peeps!


Need a jam to get your butt in gear today?  This song makes me shake it…not quite like these beotches, but dang close.


I’m Going to Kill Her!!!

And by her, I mean the cat.  Our cat, Master Chief.  Our beautiful cat that we so kindly adopted in January. 

Master Chief (Chief, Chiefy, Chiefers, MC, Kitty, Kit Kat, etc.)



She is a very pretty cat.  But don’t let her good looks fool you.  She has like bi-polar disorder or something.  She loves being petted (pet?) and then suddenly she will snap.  She will claw and bite at you even though she was just enjoying her tummy rub 2 seconds ago.  I don’t get it.  Maybe she’s ticklish or something?  Maybe she’s evil.  I’m going with the latter. 

We adopted her from the Houston SPCA.  She’s about 2 or 3 years old and according to her cage tag she was given to the shelter because the previous owners couldn’t afford her.  I will agree that pets can be a bit expensive, but seriously…a cat?  Once they have their initial shots and get the spay/neuter surgery they are pretty cheap animals to keep.  You have to buy food and litter but that’s about it.  Now that we’ve really gotten to know the cat, I now realize that the previous owners were lieing.  They could afford her.  They just didn’t want her.  Because she’s evil! 

This became very prevalent the other night.  I wanted to drop kick her into next week.  As you know, I started my new job on Monday.  I went to bed a little early hoping for a wonderful full night of sleep in the hopes of being ‘bright eyed and bushy tailed’ for my first day on the new job. 

Didn’t happen. 

The cat sat outside our bedroom door any meowed.  All night long. 

Before we adopted Hurley, the cat used to sleep on the bed at night.  Calmly and quietly.  After we got Hurley we had to lock her out of bedroom and keep him in the bedroom to avoid having them chase each other during our sleepy time.  So I can sorta feel her pain.  We kicked her out of the bedroom and moved the dog in. 

Last night she howled and meowed and made all sorts of noise all night long.  She has done this before but the cause was usually an empty food bowl.  After getting rudely awoken from my slumber two or three times, I finally dragged my butt out of bed to see if an empty food bowl was the cause of the problem.  Nope.  Food bowl=full.  I went back to bed.  And she was back at it.  Meow.  Meow.  Meow.  Meoooooooooowwww. 

I think I woke up to her meowing about 10 times!!!!  It was brutal and I wanted to kill her.  But I felt bad as I’m really a lover of all animals. 

I’m not really sure what the cause of her meowing was but I have a feeling it was the fact that she was yearning for some affection as we had just returned from a weekend trip.  She was home alone from Thursday morning to Sunday afternoon.  She needed some serious lovin.’  Poor thing.

I’m going to pet her 30 times before I go to bed from now on.  Or else she may just end up back at the shelter.  Kidding…  😉 

T found this video of a pestering cat that I want to share.  I swear the cat doesn’t sit still for more than a minute or two the entire night.  It made me laugh!   

This guy probably kicked the cat out of the bedroom but it wouldn’t stop meowing so he had to let it back in.  Felines are smarter then the average pet. 

P.S.  I had a WONDERFUL first day on the new job.  I didn’t do much, but the normal first day stuff.  Setting up my laptop, getting a phone, meeting some peeps, etc.  But it was cool and I’m excited to get started in my new position! 

Happy Tuesday!


Quest for a Dress

YES!  I need another dress for another wedding!  I normally like to keep my dress wearing to once a year, but looks like I will have to break my own rule. 

T is in a friends wedding in a couple weeks.  We’re flying to Tennessee for the weekend and are really looking forward to spending some time with some pals.  Since my bf is going to be looking fly in a tux-I need something nice to wear so I don’t look like a bum standing next to him. 

I still have the cute blue flower dress from the wedding I went to in May, but that would just look out of place at a fall wedding.  I spent a little while shopping around yesterday for a dress but didn’t have any luck.  It’s quite the ordeal trying to find a black dress that is flattering on me without looking like an old lady dress.  I’m going to do some more shopping today because I NEED to buy a dress this weekend.  I’m super busy the next couple weeks and won’t have any time to do any quality shopping.  Plus my honey will be home soon and I don’t want to drag him along while I’m shopping for a dress.  He’s not a good judge of style-he’d tell me a potato sack looked good. 

As I shopped yesterday I was trying to think about all the episodes of What Not to Wear and the rules that they gave all the shoppers.  I like to do my research OK!  I also want to buy a nice dress that I could possibly wear again.  Ya know, to all the black tie events that I go to on the weekends.  In the limo with the Krystal.  Or is it Crystal?  lol.  And don’t they say that every woman needs a little black dress?     

I’m also looking for some new stuff for my new job.  It’s A LOT dressier than my last job.  No more jeans and flip flops for me.  For a female-I dont’ have a lot of clothes.  I did have a lot of clothes, but a month ago we got rid of all the clothes we don’t wear anymore.  I was left with few few things that would be appropriate with this new job.  I need pants (like real pants-not jeans), shoes (because flip flips and tennis shoes don’t look good with dress pants), tops (not a t-shirt), and a couple jackets or layering pieces.  I’ve found a couple things, but I’m on the hunt for bargains because we’re trying to save money right now.  But dang it!  I can’t start my new job looking like an under-dressed bum!  I need an actual wardrobe of real clothes.  Like normal people have.   

Back to the dress.  I will keep you posted about the dress search.  I’m not looking forward to shopping.  When you’re not a size 4 shopping sucks majorly.  But in a way it’s probably a good thing that I’m not a size 4.  If I was I would have ten closets full of clothes! 

Have a nice Sunday!

Big News on the Home Front

Or the prairie…or the farm…or the home stead…

Whatever you call it, there’s big news in my neck of the woods. 

As you know, I’ve been simultaneously job hunting and house hunting.  Am I crazy?  Yes.  Am I meticulously organized?  Yes.  Being organized has helped a lot.  I’ve been job hunting for quite a while and have done a few interviews.  The interviews went well and I got really excited about the jobs.  One in particular broke my heart when I received the dreaded rejection email stating that they had ‘regretfully’ chose someone else.  Damn!  But the wait and worry is over…I GOT A NEW JOB!  Wooohooo! 

The position that I was offered wasn’t even a position that I had formally applied for.  I had applied for and interviewed for a position with this organization that I wasn’t exactly qualified for.  Not that I couldn’t do it, but I probably wasn’t the best fit for the job.  After that interview they contacted me about another opening that they felt like I would be a great fit for.  It sounded like something I could really do and excel at.  But most importantly, enjoy! 

Here’s a little schpeel about the position that I will be starting on the 13th of October:

*Title:  Administrative Assistant position with one of Houston’s largest non-profit organizations.  This organization does a ton of different things throughout Houston and the surrounding areas (community centers, senior centers, schools, low-income assistance with various things, health seminars, etc.).  It’s a lot of stuff that I won’t go into.  I will be assisting with the development of one of the organizations newest initiatives.  The program is a tax assistance program which allows low income families to have their taxes completed for free.  I will be assisting with setting up locations around the Houston area where people can drop in and have their taxes done.  I will also be recruiting volunteers (to actually do the taxes), looking for sites to set up the tax assistance (YMCA’s, Comm. Centers and such), setting up training for the volunteers, marketing the program, supply management (laptops), scheduling, and so on!  So I’m not going to be a professional skydiver, but I’m really excited about this position.  It’s a brand new program which is always exciting.  Houston is far behind when it comes to free tax assistance so there is plenty of room for growth with this program.  My future boss is a really cool lady.  She helped develop a similar program in Austin and was brought to Houston to do the same thing.  She seems really nice and fun to work with. 

When I first heard about the position, Administrative Assistant, I got a little scared.  I’m not the type of person who can be stuck behind a desk all day long.  But I will be out in the community and connecting with people and managing tax locations and lots of other tax assistance related things.  I will also have to be trained in Advanced Tax Preparation in case I need to answer questions or help with volunteer training.  The volunteers don’t need to be accountants or anything, but they need to be good with numbers and go through a pretty rigorous training.  Hopefully I can wrangle some retired professors for the gig.  After tax season I will be doing research on the program and it’s successes or failures and developing an appropriate plan for next season.  San Antonio completes over 50,000 free tax returns each year through their program and Houston (a larger city) completed only 9,000 last year.  So there’s a lot of room to grow.  My future boss also seems really competitive which will be fun. 

I feel good about the non-profit organization and the actual program that I will be working in.  I will start in a couple weeks!!! 

I will tell you more about some other details later this week; like telling my boss that I’m quitting.  Yikes!

House hunting is done.  We’ve found the house we want and put an offer in about a week ago.  Two days ago I went to the house for the inspection.  The inspector was very thorough and gave me a detailed report.  There are a few things that were an issue, but nothing major.  Now we have to go back to the sellers and try to bargain for the price that it would cost for us to fix the stuff or they will need to fix it first.  Even after the inspection, I still feel really good about the house. He said that it was a bargain and was in great condition.  A good ‘starter’ home.  So were still in a waiting game, but the house will be ours.  We want to close about the third week in October.  Hopefully that will happen.  T will be home from Africa and will be able to get things rolling.  But then-before I know it, he will be heading back to Africa and I’ll be on my own again.  Luckily, I’m a very smart woman and I can handle all this crap at once.  Plus I watch a lot of HGTV so I know all about buying houses.  😉

So bear with me for a while.  I’ve got a lot of stuff on my plate right now.  I will keep you updated on everything as well as do a few interesting blog posts.  Are they ever interesting? 

In the mean time-donations are accepted.  We’ve got a lot of purchases to make once this house is ours.  Help a blogger in need! 

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!