Oh Grey’s Anatomy…

Don’t ask me how…but I’ve somehow missed all of the new episodes of Grey’s Anatomy. 

I didn’t even realize that the new season had started!!!  Grey’s is my 2nd favorite show and I’ve missed it.  I feel strange like I’ve somehow broken up with the show and we’ve both gone our separate ways. 

Grey’s…if you’re listening…I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I forgot how much I loved you.  C

Will you take me back? 


TGIF yall!  This week flew by! 


BRAVO Junkie

I’m a Bravo TV addict.  It’s a whole channel devoted to shows that don’t really matter.  I suppose they matter do someone out there, but really…in the scheme of things…they don’t matter one bit.  I’ve been watching a lot of Bravo lately and thought I’d share my take on a few of my favorite Bravo shows.  And really…the whole purpose of my blog is to give my take.  My take on life, love, and television. 

Since my staple shows are on hiatus right now (Grey’s Anatomy, LOST…hmm…those are really the only two shows that matter) I need to fill my TV time with other things.  Things that don’t require thought or contemplation of any kind.  Shows that you can watch while surfing the net.  I like shows like that. 

I Likey…

1.  Project Runway.  I LOVE this show.  I think it is so neat to see how the designers come up with their ‘visions’ and turn them into an outfit.  Some are really great designs while others are just strange and out there.  Although strange and out there is sometimes the point of a challenge.  It’s one of my favorite shows on television.  And that damn Heidi Klum is so damn nice and so damn pretty!  What does she see in Seal?  My forecasted winner is Kenley.  She’s done some modern designs, but she dresses like a pin up vamp.  I also like Terri. 

2.  Flipping Out.  I mentioned this the other day on here as this is a rather new discovery.  I love it.  Jeff Lewis is this high class house flipper who sells his homes to celebs and rich, snobby people.  He’s a total drama queen gay guy who’s botoxed his lips one too many times.  He’s insane, bossy, high strung, and plain strange.  His assistant is funny too.  She’s the spitting image of Elaine from Seinfeld.  I’ve always enjoyed the house flipping shows, but this one is more about Jeff and his insanity than the details of the flips.  Here is is giving one of his contractors hell…


3.  Shear Genius.  This show is in its second season.  I’m sure I had heard of it one way or another, but I just started watching it mid season this year.  It’s all about hair!  Hair stylists from all over the country area competing.  And with all the other reality shows there are always weird ones.  The shows would be boring if it were all normal people.  The show is hosted by Jaclyn Smith who I have to say is a little boring.  No offense to her, she seems nice.  But she’s just boring.  My winning pick for the show is Dee.  She’s this pretty, funky, spikey haired lesbian who really seems to know her hair. 

4.  Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List.  Now…don’t freak out cuz you’re a Griffin hater.  I’m not really that big of a Griffin fan myself.  And honestly, I’ve never watched an entire episode of her show until last night.  I ended up watching two or three episodes in a row because I was laughing so much.  I wasn’t laughing so much at Kathy, but I was lauging at her Mother, Maggie.  She’s a 87 year old-who looks and acts like she’s much younger.  Kathy sort of teases and provokes her trying to get her to say funny things.  And boy, does she.  If you’ve never watched the show-do it.  If Maggie’s being featured in an episode (she usually pops in somewhere) then you will laugh.     

Here’s a pic of Kathy and her (funnier) Mom…

Kathy Griffin, Maggie Griffin

 Kathy looks a little cracked out in that picture, but look how cute her Mom is.  She loves the vino, which helps her humor.  I think I’m going to take up drinking wine before I blog.  It will either be a lot funnier or even more senseless. 

5.  Top Designer.  I have yet to watch a whole season of this show, but I plan on it this time around.  I absolutely LOVE HGTV’s Next Design Star and this is basically exactly the same only it has that Bravo reality spin.  AKA:  the host is a skinny celebrity that looks good in short dresses.  That’s the only requirement to be a host on a Bravo reality show.  Top Designer starts next week and I will be following it! 

Thank god for the ability to record television shows via Windows Media Center on T’s new computer.  It makes watching ungodly amounts of television so easy.  Maybe a little too easy. 



SIDE NOTE:  Happy Birthday to my Sister (Subversive Mommy on the comments)!  I’ll do a post about my sis when I get my hands on some of her old prom pictures. 

Speaking of my sister….why haven’t you been commenting????  Are you secretly plotting to start your own funnier and wittier blog behind my back?  Hmm…

Rate me….Humor-Blogs.com

Some Random Friday Things

I apologize for not giving you a well written, thoughtful, poignant, post today.  But…it’s Friday.  And since I write my posts the day before I post them (usually) that means that it’s Grey’s Anatomy/LOST night here at my place.  Most of my evening is taken up by television so that doesn’t leave me a lot of time to come up with a witty and meaningful post.  And truth be told, I’m saving my really good stuff for when my blog finally gets popular.  Kidding. 

I’m just going to chat about a few things that are on my mind at this moment. 

LOST was so good tonight.  Next Thursday is the 2 hour season finale!  Grey’s was good too, but LOST has taken the number one spot on my TV list.  And I really like this time zone here in Houston.  We are Central time which means the television shows come on an hour earlier.  So instead of having to wait until nine o’clock to watch LOST, I get to watch it at 8 p.m.

There’s a guy in Michigan who’s walking across the state in stilts to raise money for Cerebral Palsy.  I guess the longer the legs you have the more ground you can cover. 

My granola crunching sister pointed me to this great video about how Americans are over-consuming our resources away and steps that everyone can do to help.  It’s about 20 minutes long, but I really like how the whole process is explained in lay mans terms and crisp graphics.  See what happens to all that crap that we don’t need, but buy anyway.  Check it our here:  http://www.storyofstuff.com/

And since I love my granola crunching sister, I’m going to point her and all of you to another interesting website.  I saw these folks on the news and knew she would dig them.  This family of four grows everything that they consume on their 5th of an acre in the suburbs of LA.  Anything they don’t eat, they sell.  It made me want to go plant some crops or at least get a tomato plant.  Here’s there website:   http://pathtofreedom.com/

I think I have the world’s first litter trained dog.  Remeber my recent post about the new “dog proof” litterbox?  Well, it apparently wasn’t dog proof enough.  Hurley was missing for a minute and when I called him he came running out of the laundry room which is where the cat’s litterbox is.  I went in there to check it out and there was fresh poo in there.  It wasn’t buried and could possibly/maybe be Hurley’s poo.  WTF!!!!???  I don’t want him to poo/pee in the house.  Not even in the litterbox.  This is just bizarro!

I also have an insane cat.  Who made me want to kill someone Thursday morning when I was trying to get my beauty sleep.  Ok…we keep Hurley in a crate during the night in the bedroom.  We keep the doors closed so that the cat doesn’t come into the room.  Hurley starts whining and barking when he sees the cat when he is locked up like a furry, litte prisoner.  And she seriously taunts him when he’s locked up.  So…for the past few mornings I’ve been rudely awakened by the cat meowing, Loudly outside the bedroom door.  I layed in bed waiting for this to stop and hoping that T would be bothered enough to get out of bed and do something about it.  But NO-he just pretended to sleep for the next hour.  I attempted to swat the cat with a shoe, but she just kept coming back!  She wants to sleep on the bed, but I don’t want Hurley to bark all night.  Tonight we’re going to put Hurley (in his crate) in the bathroom.  That way the cat can come into the bedroom and Hurley won’t see her taunting him.  Why can’t we just all get along?

Wal-Mart is doing a deal where you can cash your stimulus checks for free!  I think banks do that too, right!?  But then again, you can’t buy cheap, imported, unnecessary goods at banks.

Speaking of global warming/Earth/recycling, you should rent The 11th Hour.  It’s a movie that has experts talking about our planet and how we are destroying it at an alarming rate.  I liked this more than Al Gore’s video because it was less about fancy charts and colorful graphs and more conversational and relatable.  And there were some good things mentioned that we can all do to help.  And it’s narrated by my other boyfriend, Leonardo DiCaprio.  Seriously, if you aren’t recycling then shame on you.  It’s the least you could do-so……do it!  And don’t use paper plates anymore either. 

I think we may go to the movies this weekend and watch the new Narnia movie, Prince Caspian.  The first one was awesome, so this has to be good.  Indiana Jones looks good too.  I love the first ones and I’m so glad that Harrison Ford is still Indiana and I also love that my other other boyfriend Shia LeBeouf is in it! 

And………that’s the end of my randomness!  Happy freakin’ Friday yall! 

And just cuz-a sneezing panda video:

Pandas are the cutest bears!  It’s those little black teddy-bear ears that they have. 


Yep, Still Feel Like Crap

What the heck kind of virus has taken over my body?  My throat is still sore, and my head is throbbing.  My eyes are watering and my nose is stuffy and my neck hurts.  Sucky for sure.  As some of you may know I write my posts the day before I actually publish them.  So right now it’s 8:30 p.m. on Thursday night.  You won’t actually get to read this till about 4 a.m. Friday morning.  I don’t know if that really matters to you or if you really care, but since I have a feeling that this post will ramble-I though that I’d share this factoid with you. 

Today I:

Went to work.  I didn’t really do much.  I left work at Noon.

I went to the dentist for the first time in a year and for the first time since I acquired my own health insurance.  I am happy to report that I am cavity free.  DYK that I have one wisdom tooth that has never ‘erupted.’  I was told that it may never come out.  That’s fine with me.  I don’t really get wisdom teeth.  Why would you have them?  I also have a molar that is a baby tooth.  I never had an adult tooth come in and push it out.  Still holding strong after all these years.  Nice. I’m also thinking about getting this annoying gap that I have between two teeth fixed, but I have to go to an orthodontist.  I also have to see how much it would cost, since I don’t think my insurance would cover it.  My exam and cleaning today was $5.00.  Insurance comes in pretty handy.  

And my dentist was a woman.  I stupidly assumed that it would be a man.  How sexist of me. 

I also went to the eye doctor and swapped my glasses for a different frame.  And not because my loving mother said that she hated them, but because they seriously gave me a headache and felt weird.  I even had them checked and adjusted and everything.  We will see how she likes the new ones.  🙂 

I decided not to go back to work.  I came home and sat on the couch for hours and whined to myself about how sick I am. 

T and I went to McDonald’s for dinner.  I was upset because they didn’t have Broccoli Cheese Soup.  I love their BC Soup.

Now I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy and blogging at the same time.  I can blog while watching Grey’s.  But I can’t blog while watching LOST-so I decided to get my post done before LOST so I can focus all my attention to the TV.  You really have to pay attention when you watch that show. 

We watched our first NetFlix movie last night.  27 Dresses with Katherine Heigl.  It was the predictable love story, but it was cute.  I have a feeling that NetFlix will mean that we will do more movie watching.  It’s hard not to watch a movie when you get it in the mail.  And the faster you watch a movie the faster you get the next one in the mail.  I mean, we want to get our money’s worth right? 

Did you know that you can put corn meal on ant hills to kill the ants?  They carry it into their ant houses and try to eat the little granules, but can’t digest them and die a horrible, painful death. 

Read this article on gas prices:  http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/01/news/international/usgas_price/index.htm?eref=ib_topstories

Our apartment is so dirty/messy right now I can’t stand it.  But I seriously don’t feel like cleaning up at all.  I was hoping that T would do it since he’s feeling a little better from his vaccinations, but nope.  He would rather live in filth than make the effort to clean up a little.  Me too, for now. 

This is a cute website that I found a few months back:  www.dailykitten.com

Ok….LOST is coming on.  End of post.  Can’t think about anything else.  Must focus.  Out.



A Bunch of Stuff and Glasses

My posts tend to be more like little stories rather then a conversational tone like some blogs that I read.  I just don’t feel like I’m entertaining you enough by just telling you what I ate for breakfast yesterday.  I feel like I have to tell you a story.  But there comes a time when I feel like I need to tell you every little thing about myself and what happened recently in my life.  If you don’t care then stop reading, it won’t hurt my feelings.  I may revert back to cutting, but my feelings will be fine. 

So…here’s a random list of some stuff (wow, that sounds really interesting!!):

  • T’s Momma and Sister visited us this weekend.
    • We went out to eat for almost every meal. 
    • We went to Galveston and walked on the beach for a bit.
      • I also got a sunburn on my shoulders and back.
      • I’ll probably get skin cancer soon.
        • Yes, Mom I promise to use sunscreen from now on!
      • A dead fish touched T’s sisters leg when she was walking in the ocean.
      • T’s Mom collected some seashells to take back to MI to make everyone there jealous.
    • We visited the Beer Can House in Houston.  That may require a post in and of itself.
    • We went to the Armadillo.  It’s a imported goods mall with booths full of purses, sunglasses, jewelry, furniture, etc.  And I don’t mean like fine imported goods from Italy, I mean cheap-child labor goods from Mexico. 
    • We drove around. A lot. 
    • T’s Momma puked up her expensive lunch.  What a waste.
    • We made T’s Momma and Sister go to the dog park.
      • I know they really didn’t want to go, but they did go.  And with a smile on their face.
      • There was a crazy lady there who made a screeching noise when her dogs tried to play with Hurley.  It was just an awkward (did that really happen) type moment.  I’m guesssing she wen’t home and made out with her dogs while watching Golden Girls.
    • We did some other stuff I can’t remember, but I think they had a good time.  It was nice to see them. 
    • T’s Momma and Sister missed their flight on Monday morning.  T ran into a little traffic jam.  T, of all people made them late!!!!  It was OK though, they didn’t have to wait too long for another flight.
    • I might post some pics from the weekend at a later date.
  • T found out that his air matress has a leak in it.  He woke up with his butt on the floor.  We kept it.  I think I might try to make something cool out of the plastic.  Don’t ask me what though.
  • Hurley decided to urinate in the cat’s litter box.  I’m not even kidding on this one.  The cat was making a fuss so I went to investigate.  Hurley had his head sticking out of the litter box.  I threw him out and saw that there was fresh pee in there!  He is making me insane.  Although I have to say, if he’s going to pee in the house-I’m glad it was in the litter box.
  • I found out that two of our friends are going to a wine tasting event.  My tiny little brain makes me think that it’s a sign that me and T and our group of friends are getting old.  I’m pretty sure we are going to start getting gray hairs and talking about how our nations youth are out of control. 
  • I suddenly have about 10 magazines that I need to read.
  • Our really nice neighbor stopped by today to bring us some mail of ours that they had received and Hurley bolted out the door.  Another neighbor was walking by with her two dogs.  Her dogs starting screeching and barking and freaking out.  Hurley of course wouldn’t come to me.  The girl was also freaking out.  Our nice neighbor caught Hurley for us.  I then worked on training Hurley to sit when the door is open-not run outside like a moron.  Hurley just wanted to play with the two dogs, but they wanted to attack him.  When the girl is out walking her dogs and sees me and Hurley-she will immediately walk the other way.  She may need Cesar Millan.  I may also need CM.  Damn dog.
  • I’m watching this Alaska Wilderness show where couples go out in the Alaskan wilderness.  I would love LOVE to do this with T.  He would probably feed me to the grizzly bears though. 
  • I got two new pairs of glasses!  I think the prescription for one may be too strong because it made my head hurt.  I’m going to get them checked again this Thursday.  Here’s a few pics:

Glasses 1

Here is pair number one.  They are by Tommy Bahama, not that that really matters.  Here they are up close:

Glasses 1 Close Up

They are like a blue-grey on the outside with a tan on the inside.  They are a little school teacher-ish, but I like them

Here’s pair numero dos:

Pair 2

These are pretty similar to the glasses that I just replaced.  I really like this style of glasses (with the frame that doesn’t go on the bottom?).  I’m sure there’s a name for that style, but I have no clue.  I also don’t know what brand these are. 

Here’s a close up:

Pair 2 Close Up

I think I like these.  They are kinda funky, but not too out there. 

I’m pretty proud of myself for picking out new glasses on my own.  My Mom has always helped me before.  I would normally need her opinion for such major purchases, but I have no choice.  And lord knows that T would be absolutely no help at all.  So…Mom, do you approve? 

Ok..back to more boring things.

  • Grey’s Anatomy and LOST are going to be on this week!  Thank God they are coming back on.  If you don’t watch these two shows I don’t know how you live your life. 
  • My diet definitely suffered over the weekend and that carried on into Monday and Tuesday.  I’m back at it as of right now though.  🙂 
  • I’m still thinking about looking for another job.  If you know of one-let me know.  I need to make some more moolah.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.  Well-you didn’t really listen…  Thanks for reading.  I hope you have a wonderful week.  Please tell a friend or a foe about my blog.  I’m on a quest to be the most popular person on the Internet Earth.  And it’s going to take more then 50 views a day to do that!  😉